My Group Move Blogs

Unlocking Your Flow State aqua fitness instructor exercise instructor group fitness instructor instructor development Jul 03, 2024

As a group fitness instructor, achieving a flow state can significantly elevate your performance and the joy you derive from teaching. Flow state, a concept popularised by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a mental state of complete absorption and engagement in an activity. Let’s...

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Unleash Your Inner Fitness Superhero: Transform Your Teaching with Confidence and Flair exercise instructor group exercise instructor group fitness instructor Jan 24, 2024

The Everyday Instructor's Guide to Superhero Status

Picture this: you're leading a group fitness class, and everything that could possibly go wrong, does. The playlist is a shuffle disaster, someone's phone keeps ringing with the "Chicken Dance" ringtone, and your perfectly planned routine? Let's...

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