My Group Move Blogs

Unlocking the Power of Neurobics in your Aqua Class for Improved Brain Health aqua conference aqua fitness aqua fitness instructor aqua instructor conference group exercise instructor water fitness May 27, 2024

As an aqua fitness instructor, you already know the myriad benefits that water-based exercises offer. But have you considered incorporating neurobics into your routines? Neurobics combines physical activity with cognitive processes, challenging the brain to create new, stimulating patterns. This...

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Feeling flat and bored? aqua conference aqua fitness aqua instructor fitness career group fitness instructor instructor self-care water fitness Jul 11, 2022

Feeling flat and bored? You know those days when you feel like you're slogging through a muddy swamp, trying to pull yourself out of a rut? When you have arrived at your class and wish you had something to teach that gives you that tingling feeling of excitement because you know that your...

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